Hans Gruner, Field Recordings' gruner veltliner in a can is a wine that should dispel any prejudices about canned wine.
Canned wine really need not be bad wine. The problem isn't with the can when it is bad; it is with the wine.
This wine shows tropical fruit. Usually with gruner's you can get some peach and that is here. I also sensed some sort of green melon. When I went back to it I thought maybe there was a bit of pineapple but when I went back to it I didn't get that. I've been tasting a lot of pineapple lately. Maybe I have a tumor. There is definitely the lime you expect and some definite pepper. The fruit here is maybe a bit more prominent than many gruners I've had. Most of these haven't been from California. This wine is unmistakably gruner but it also unmistakably has a new world twist.
Field Recordings do a great job with wine in a can. Their Alloy wines are also solid. This one also references Die Hard and the late Alan Rickman so they get bonus credit for that as well. Personally I think they should have used the quote "Mr. Takagi will not be joining us for the rest of his life" on the can but perhaps that would have been ghoulish.
Some details on cans: you cannot taste metal (you may think you can but you can't), cans don't allow light to effect the wine and cans are easier to recycle than bottles. Many areas that recycle apparently cannot even find places to recycle glass. Glass also breaks and contaminates paper recycling in areas with multi-stream recycling bins. Canned wine may be the future of wine, at least wine of the daily drinking variety. This isn't saying cans are perfect but neither are bottles! (be they capped or corked).