Abbazia Di Novacella kerner genuinely makes its parents proud. Especially since it is a relative youngster. Kerner is a variety of grape that is less than 100 years old. It was created in 1929 in Germany and was named for a German poet. There are tons of grapes that are relatively new like this. Some have been more successful. Some make good wine and others have staying power.
Kerner has succeeded in both categories.
It is a crossing of the backbone of the German wine industry, riesling and trollinger (aka schiava). Trollinger is a red grape used to make light, refreshing reds and rosés. I've often found schiava wines, although light, had decent acidity.
Kerner has a big part of the acid of riesling and is "aromatic" as well. You can find out more at the distributor, Skurnick's, website. You can also find out the fascinating story about the monastery where the wine is grown HERE.
Do NOT share the video with the monks. I swear too much and say other profane things with frequency. SHHHHH. Although, at no point, do I take the Lord's name in vain.
Some sources-
Winery/Monastary website.
WIne Searcher (good historical info, don't always buy their "this grape makes undistinguished wine" assertions).